All I can say is that losing a child is not easy and when you have to go through it twice, it seems as if your whole world is lost. As a man you are the protector & provider and to see your wife have to go through something like this and you cant do anything is heartbreaking. It made me feel that I couldn’t be the man I was supposed to be. Too Precious for this World connected me with other fathers that went through the same thing and felt the same way i felt. They gave me the confidence to tell my story to help others.
-Arnette Williams

Going into pregnancy is one of the most exciting and nerve racking things a couple can experience. When we lost our 2 babies I was heart broken and in a way blamed myself saying maybe I could’ve helped with this or done this differently. We were caught blind sided. I didn’t know why this was happening or even how to cope with the situation. I had no knowledge of child loss or miscarriage. As a husband I will never understand the physical pain my wife went through but I reassured her that I’m with her every step of the way. Too Precious has helped me not only become a better husband but an amazing father as well hearing some of the testimonies from Too Precious gave me the light at the end of the tunnel it reignited my faith and it provided so much knowledge and understanding on child loss. Too Precious inspired me to share my story with other Dads who are in the same boat and I tell them even if your baby isn’t physically here you are still a amazing Dad.
-JD Rivera